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Nudge Tactics for Health Coaching
Meet your instructor. (4:15)
What the heck is Behavioral Economics? (5:50)
Why is behavior change so damn hard? (psst... it's because our current theories don't work very well) (10:35)
Principles of Behavioral Economics
Introduction to Principles of Behavioral Economics (3:15)
Principle 1: The BRAIN FIGHT (20:55)
Principle 2: YOU'RE BIASED. (21:35)
Principle 3: THE SCIENCE OF SELF CONTROL. (9:05)
Principle 4: HABITS. (18:35)
Principle 5: The BMAT MODEL. (6:20)
COURSE QUIZ - 10 multiple choice questions. You must answer at least 8 correctly.
Introduction to Principles of Behavioral Economics
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